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Weight Loss The Inspire Series by Glory Edozien @Inspiredbyglory @MisGloryEdozien #fitness #weightloss

Nelly Agbogu is our guest on this edition of the Inspire Series. She has lost an amazing 40Kg and counting! I didn't want this to a be a typical interview on weight loss or concentrate on the physical aspects of how she lost weight. As someone who has personally struggled with weight, i realise the battle is more of an emotional one than a physical one. People are quick to judge us as being lazy or undisciplined without understanding the deeper emotional and psychological struggles at play. What i hope this interview does is put a face and a person behind the weight loss struggle. In other words humanise the process. Allow people to understand that it isn't easy to just say 'you need to loose weight'. It isn't about being deprived of food. The process of weight loss is a personal journey, it cant be forced or cajoled. It is a step by step process which must be owned by the individual and supported by loved ones. It is also a marathon, not a sprint. A marathon that starts first by personal illumination and daily courage. Please watch, be inspired and share

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