Watch Taylor Switfs' Wildest Dreams


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Watch Taylor Switfs' Wildest Dreams

Critics are shamming Taylor Swift of projecting a “White Colonialist” and “Racist” view of Africa in the video for her song “Wildest Dreams".Joseph Kahn (who happens to be Asian-American), the director of the video has come out to defend his visual work ;
This is not a video about colonialism but a love story on the set of a period film crew in Africa,1950.
There are black Africans in the video in a number of shots, but I rarely cut to crew faces outside of the director as the vast majority of screen time is Taylor and Scott.
saying Khan:
We cast and edited this video. We collectively decided it would have been historicially inaccurate to load the crew with more black actors as the video would have been accused of rewriting history. This video is set in the past by a crew set in the present and we are all proud of our work.

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