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Importing Sex Dolls Into Botswana Now An Offence

Botswana's lawmakers have placed embargo on importing sex dolls for men.  It's like content in a section of their law that disavows men from copulating to sex dolls.  According to Section 178 of the Botswana Penal Code, the delivery of sex toys in Botswana is an offense.  The law further disqualifies the right to "own, lend, sell, export, import, and / or exhibit misconduct or anything that tends to corrupt morals in Botswana," which includes sex doll.  Women continue to express their continued hostility and disagreement for sex dolls as they believe that potential competition will result in increased divorce rates and cancels human relationships .  Some have asked the ability of sex dolls to have children, support the man and the emotions at home and do housework.  A social worker with expertise in complex marriage, mental health and addiction is more positive about the sudden demand for sex dolls.  She is afraid that men prefer sex with robots over human love. ...

Räägi sõbrale... #AFRICA ... spill TEA ABOUT THE TOPIC ABOVE.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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