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tamar speaks

During a recent episode of “The Real,” the ladies discussed Nick and Mariah’s seemingly inevitable divorce and talk of the estrange couple’s iron-clad prenup. This, of course, led to a discussion about whether or not prenuptial agreements are necessary when folks decide to tie the knot. The always outspoken Tamar kicked things off by encouraging successful women to sign them. “I think that when you have the kind of shinety oldddddddddddddddd coins that Mariah has; she has some old crinkled up hundred dollars bills that we ain’t seen in like thirty years. You kind of have to protect yourself. I’m not saying that Nick is a guydigger. He’s not a guydigger at all. He works really hard. He’s always worked hard for Mariah and he’s not that kind of dude. BUT when you got the kind of wealth of Mariah, you kind of got to protect yourself.” Tamar went on to say that her parents taught her that people become “unrecognizable” during breakups, which is another reason why women should consider prenups. “People become unrecognizable when you’re going through a breakup. I remember when my mother was saying that my father became unrecognizable, and this is the person she’s been with since she was 15 years old. I wasn’t raised with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I wasn’t raised with a plastic one either. But at the end of the day, my parents built what they have now together. I think I took that to my own marriage.” Interestingly, though she encourages brides-to-be to sign on the dotted line, Tamar says that she and Vince don’t have a prenup. “So Vincent and I, we don’t have a pre-nup because when we got married, we had a discussion and we discussed divorce is not an option. So, that will always be the last, last, last, last of the resort! Because I am a product of a divorce child and I didn’t like the way that made me feel.” Tamera also chimed in on the prenup conversation, revealing that she and her husband Adam signed them out of respect for their parents. “Breakups cause people to act crazy,” Tamera explained. “Sometimes when people break up, they turn into the person that you didn’t marry. To me, it wasn’t not being romantic, it was being smart. Being wise. Our parents actually told Adam and I to get a pre-nup before we got married. I made my money before Adam and I got married and he made his money with the family winery. And they just wanted to protect that and it made me feel good because I knew that Adam wasn’t marrying me for my money and I wasn’t marrying him for his. So in our case, it was more about respect.” source- madamenoire photo

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