Rosy Meurer, her husband, Olakunle Churchill, and their kid are on holiday, and Rosy has shared a photo of their fun time together.

On her Instagram page, the actress stated that the couple has spent all of their time shopping for high-end products.
Rosy Meurer flaunted bundles of high-end goods while bragging about how much her man spoils her.
She recommended her female fans to find a man who spoils them as much as her husband does.
"Get you a boyfriend that spoils you," Rosy Meurer advised.
The actress also announced that they will be spending more time in Ibiza.
We haven't done anything enjoyable yet; instead, we have been shopping, shopping, shopping.
Guess our next stop and you'll win a prize when I return."
Rosy Meurer had resorted to social media with a lovey-dovey video to tease her admirers and colleagues.
Rosy Meurer was caught on camera giving her husband Olakunle Churchill a lap dance in a video she posted to her Instagram page.
Rosy Meurer certainly knows how to keep her admirers and detractors talking about her marriage, especially now that Tonto Dikeh has been kidnapped from Olakunle Churchill.
Rosy Meurer spoke about having a great time in a club while captioning the video.