Sola Allyson's message
“Many years ago, in my 10s and 20s, the future actually looked bleak. Struggle started early. The only thing I held on was knowing ‘The Owner’ of my future. I found myself in different places, some of which I’m not proud of now.
But I did all I was supposed to do honorably, holding on to the values I picked here and there and some were good and godly. I had faith but was anxious, confident but insecure, having nothing to hold on to except the God-factor I was conscious of.
I was married at the beginning of my 30s to a man I knew/know loves me, but still I could not allow myself to be too sure because I wasn’t sure of ANYTHING, except the constancy of The Owner of my future. I became a Mother and I had a break into my purpose.
I was popular already, things looked good but still I wasn’t sure. But, honorably, with the values I had learnt, I did it all and gave my all to wifehood and motherhood with less focus on stardom.
Many things happened to me. Many challenges came my way that revealed and opened me up to myself. I was pruned and seasoned, broken and reshaped and I got here.
In my 40s now and I am SURE of many things. I have grown and I am at peace with myself. I am confident and secure about who I am and what I’m supposed to do. It’s looking like “IT” now. I have more understanding of The Owner of my future. But, you know what, many times I find myself back at that unsure place! Sometimes I’m not sure! But still I trust The Owner of my future! TOTALLY!
Would HE bring me this far and forsake me? Is HE not faithful to complete what HE began? Is it not HIS nature just to be kind and generous? The fact that I am at this point at all is a wonder! The wonderful Wonder-Doer is still in the wonder-doing business! Why shall I be unsure? Nobody knows what tomorrow may bring, Oluwa nikan l’ó m’ola, ìgbàgbó ti mo ní ni whatever it brings, Oluwa mi s’olododo! #ÌMÚSE!
Reflections like this brought about the songs in ÌMÚSE.
The GOD of my 10s, 20s and 30s when I was very unsure, unstable, and inconsistent is still there! The One Who brought me this far when I had to look my fears in the face! Be strengthened OLÚSOLÁ and you, my kind, reading this!”
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