Omoni Oboli has that 2017 was the toughest year of her life, but the star of 'Wives On Strike', focused on her victories, wins and the fact that she is still alive to type her message to friends and followers.
"I have struggled today with talking about my 2017. It was arguably the toughest year of my life but I won’t talk about the struggles because there were so many wins and victories and above all because I’m still here typing away!
So I will just encourage you all. God has a purpose and a plan for you. Regardless of what you went through in 2017, step into the New Year with a bounce! You are victorious. Rejoice!
From the depth of my heart, I say THANK YOU #Omonifam for the love and encouragement. You will never know how much I love and appreciate you all. When I’m down, you lift me up! Pls go ahead and tag an IG user who made your 2017 awesome. Let them know 2018 will be popping! We will all be just fine!" She posted on Instagram. #Africa ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie