Ini Dinma plays the lead role; Teni Ola Badmus in Africa magic’ Tele-series, “Battle-ground”. Genevieve magazine’ Writer; Roseline Nya, where they chatted about face contouring and the amount of work that goes into making a movie.
How has the transition been from banking to acting?
Its been interesting. Its been hectic, but I was very aware of what I was coming into. I knew exactly what I wanted, so its the kind of stress level that I yearn for. I came in very ready. I went to film school and that kind of prepared me, a bit, to be able to shoulder everything that this life comes with.
Would you reveal more about your character in the series?
Teni has the purest of hearts. She believes in love, believes in people, and can come across as naïve sometimes. She’s also very sensitive, sometimes, but the situations around her, kind of, make her grow up very fast. You see her growing up and tackling challenges as they come, without having time to breathe or think.
Teni believes in love. Do you?
I’m a lover of love.
And soul-mates?
I believe that some people are created for each other, and hope I’m lucky enough to find mine.
Acting, basically, is about playing another person’s life. Do you sometimes find it overwhelming?
Its not a small task. Obviously, you are criticizing yourself the whole time but it means a lot for me to do justice to a character; that’s the whole point of acting anyway. I try as much as possible to be prepared. I do my research. I do my homework. I leave my heart open to live in the moment. So I do my best to give everything and do justice to whoever’ story I’m telling.
Any surprises so far?
There are many. The hours are really surprising. For instance, my dad is a doctor, and just yesterday I was having a conversation with him, we were talking about when I come home and he was like, “Your job is just like mine, if not worse”. So there’s a level of appreciation that people around me have for what I do, and all the hard work that goes into it. When you watch a 2hr movie, you do not realise all of the manpower, time and equipments that go into it. I think that is the part that has shocked me the most. I’m just going at it one day at a time. Learning everyday. Taking in and being very appreciative everyday.
How much of your childhood will you say has shaped who you are today?
Everything. But funny enough I used to be very shy as a child. My sister was seen more like the creative one. She is the one that dabbled into films and I, even when I was around people I was comfortable with, was very shy. People could see that I had creative tendencies but my personality did not seem like it could carry it. As I grew, I shed a lot of that timid personality. But there has always been room for me to express myself. And that, I am very appreciative of. All of my childhood has made me the woman I am today
Have you always been fashionable?
I always have been very aware of what I wear. And I’ve always had very strong opinion about what I wear, whether I was right or wrong. I remember when I was probably seven, I was wearing leggings and this cute sneakers and this shirt, and I wanted to tuck in and everybody said no, this doesn’t look nice, and I was like no, this is exactly how I want the look. Even though I try to forget the incident, my family won’t let me forget. I always had strong opinion about my fashion. Fashion is something I’ve always loved and enjoyed. It’s a form of expression for me. It makes me happy. Its just me being me.
What are you obsessed about right now?
I’m not complaining, but I’ve been too busy to be obsessed about anything. That’s not to say, I don’t love same ol’ girly things. In fact contour and highlights. Each day, I’m sure makeup artist are tired of me. That’s just all I want. If you don’t contour my face I’m not done. (I also love)The interesting fashion trends. But I’m basically all about work right now. I literally just started, so it’s all about work for me.
Are you reading anything right now?
Surprisingly, I’m not a big reader. I tell myself I’ll change that but the thing is, everything I’ve done; from what I studied to everything I do now, I’ve had to read for, immensely. So, I do not read for pleasure. I’m more of a visual person. When I have my downtime, I like to watch my series or films or old movies or listen to music. So the only thing I’m reading, is the script for “Battleground”.
Let’s break a law right now. Which would you choose?
I don’t want to break any human enacted law, but I want to fly one day. I wish I had wings, like literally just fly and break that law of life.
Did You ❤ ❤ this post? DROP A C.O.M.M.E.N.T ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie
Ini Dinma plays the lead role; Teni Ola Badmus in Africa magic’ Tele-series, “Battle-ground”. Genevieve magazine’ Writer; Roseline Nya, where they chatted about face contouring and the amount of work that goes into making a movie.
How has the transition been from banking to acting?
Its been interesting. Its been hectic, but I was very aware of what I was coming into. I knew exactly what I wanted, so its the kind of stress level that I yearn for. I came in very ready. I went to film school and that kind of prepared me, a bit, to be able to shoulder everything that this life comes with.
Would you reveal more about your character in the series?
Teni has the purest of hearts. She believes in love, believes in people, and can come across as naïve sometimes. She’s also very sensitive, sometimes, but the situations around her, kind of, make her grow up very fast. You see her growing up and tackling challenges as they come, without having time to breathe or think.
Teni believes in love. Do you?
I’m a lover of love.
And soul-mates?
I believe that some people are created for each other, and hope I’m lucky enough to find mine.
Acting, basically, is about playing another person’s life. Do you sometimes find it overwhelming?
Its not a small task. Obviously, you are criticizing yourself the whole time but it means a lot for me to do justice to a character; that’s the whole point of acting anyway. I try as much as possible to be prepared. I do my research. I do my homework. I leave my heart open to live in the moment. So I do my best to give everything and do justice to whoever’ story I’m telling.
Any surprises so far?
There are many. The hours are really surprising. For instance, my dad is a doctor, and just yesterday I was having a conversation with him, we were talking about when I come home and he was like, “Your job is just like mine, if not worse”. So there’s a level of appreciation that people around me have for what I do, and all the hard work that goes into it. When you watch a 2hr movie, you do not realise all of the manpower, time and equipments that go into it. I think that is the part that has shocked me the most. I’m just going at it one day at a time. Learning everyday. Taking in and being very appreciative everyday.
How much of your childhood will you say has shaped who you are today?
Everything. But funny enough I used to be very shy as a child. My sister was seen more like the creative one. She is the one that dabbled into films and I, even when I was around people I was comfortable with, was very shy. People could see that I had creative tendencies but my personality did not seem like it could carry it. As I grew, I shed a lot of that timid personality. But there has always been room for me to express myself. And that, I am very appreciative of. All of my childhood has made me the woman I am today
Have you always been fashionable?
I always have been very aware of what I wear. And I’ve always had very strong opinion about what I wear, whether I was right or wrong. I remember when I was probably seven, I was wearing leggings and this cute sneakers and this shirt, and I wanted to tuck in and everybody said no, this doesn’t look nice, and I was like no, this is exactly how I want the look. Even though I try to forget the incident, my family won’t let me forget. I always had strong opinion about my fashion. Fashion is something I’ve always loved and enjoyed. It’s a form of expression for me. It makes me happy. Its just me being me.
What are you obsessed about right now?
I’m not complaining, but I’ve been too busy to be obsessed about anything. That’s not to say, I don’t love same ol’ girly things. In fact contour and highlights. Each day, I’m sure makeup artist are tired of me. That’s just all I want. If you don’t contour my face I’m not done. (I also love)The interesting fashion trends. But I’m basically all about work right now. I literally just started, so it’s all about work for me.
Are you reading anything right now?
Surprisingly, I’m not a big reader. I tell myself I’ll change that but the thing is, everything I’ve done; from what I studied to everything I do now, I’ve had to read for, immensely. So, I do not read for pleasure. I’m more of a visual person. When I have my downtime, I like to watch my series or films or old movies or listen to music. So the only thing I’m reading, is the script for “Battleground”.
Let’s break a law right now. Which would you choose?
I don’t want to break any human enacted law, but I want to fly one day. I wish I had wings, like literally just fly and break that law of life.
Did You ❤ ❤ this post? DROP A C.O.M.M.E.N.T ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie