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On Lilian's Couch, Nancy Isime gives an inside look at her life, love, and career.

#jaiyeorie Nancy Isime is progressively becoming a big figure in Nollywood, with roles in films such as "Kambili: the complete 30 yards" and "Merry Men 2," as well as the new and exciting "Blood Sisters" Series. On Lilian's Couch, the stunning actress joins Lilian Afegbai for an exclusive chat. Nancy characterizes her life as a "At Peace" book. She expresses a state of acceptance and serenity she has reached in her life as a whole in response to a question from the host. She also discusses her path to freedom and how she gradually rose to the top. She began her journey to celebrity at the age of 16, revealing how she didn't seek fame but rather independence and growth. On performing and her profession, she discusses how she chooses to work in order to improve on her previous performance. "Whenever a new project is released, reviewers usually say things like 'this is her best performance yet,' and that simply reflects where I am in my head," Nancy adds. Because of life circumstances, the star aids the maintenance of the inner child. (Sister, preach!) While life will have an impact on some of our perceptions, it should never weaken your passion. Her happiness and bubbliness have always come from keeping her inner child alive. Here's the link to the complete video: ✍️✍️✍️ ✍️“feel free to disagree in the comments 👀 ☝️👆 & let JAIYEORIE know what U think!” 📎 COMMENTS 👈👉✍️🤳 DROP YOUR OPINIONS ✍️✍️✍️

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