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The Cast of “Table for 2: A Series of First Dates” Share their Ideal Vs Actual First Dates on Neptune 3’s “The Hot Seat”



The Cast of “Table for Two: A Series of First Dates” compare their ideal first dates to their real-life first date experience in this episode of Neptune 3’s all-new interview series, “The Hot Seat“. Jeiel Damina, Emmanuel Nse, Wisdom Kingsley, Precious Bassey, Chioma Ohaegbuchi, Abaskpongke Uko and Samuel Ating exchange first date stories. Watch below.

📎 The key is : Learn how to BE HAPPY BY YOURSELF FIRST. Because a human being that is happy on his/her own will never settle to be miserable with someone else. When you find happiness on your own then you will be able to spread it and share it with someone else. ... CRITIC ALSO 🖋️ spill TEA ☕ Easy on Shade 💣

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