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Google under US DoJ probe


Google HQ: Under probe by US Department of Justice over anti-competitive practices

Google said the US Department of Justice has asked it to release records on past investigations, as part of its extensive probe of tech giants over possible anti-competitive practices.

“We have answered many questions on these issues over many years, in the United States as well as overseas, across many aspects of our business, so this is not new for us,” Kent Walker, Google’s senior vice president of global affairs, said in a blog post.

“The DOJ (Department of Justice) has asked us to provide information about these past investigations, and we expect state attorneys general will ask similar questions,” Walker said, confirming rumors in the US media that a coalition of US states would soon launch an antitrust investigation of the group.
“We have always worked constructively with regulators and we will continue to do so,” he said.
Google was “one of America’s top spenders on research and development, making investments that spur innovation: Things that were science fiction a few years ago are now free for everyone,” he stressed.
Washington has not named the companies it has targeted in its probe — which began in July — but it appears directed at the likes of dominant tech players such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon
Lawmakers and activists have raised concerns about the growing dominance of online giants such as Google, Facebook and Amazon in key segments of the digital economy.
A coalition of US states, including New York, on Friday launched an antitrust investigation of Facebook, the first of what is expected to be a wave of action against dominant technology firms.
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