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Bishop Oyedepo agrees with Daddy Freeze that marriage vows are satanic?


Oyedepo seems to be agreeing with Daddy Freeze on the issue of marriage vows despite disagreeing on others like tithing.
Oyedepo was quoted as saying marriage vows are a curse and are unscriptural.
The clergy man was quoted by a Facebook page which shared his words:

“All that “for better for worse, in sickness and in health”, that people recite as marriage vows is unscriptural. It is a curse”.
His words seem to be similar to what his critic Daddy Freeze said few days ago about the issue of marriage vows.
“All vows are satanic, including marriage vows, Christ said so himself, when you see him, argue with him. Become one with your spouse today, or get a divorce, it’s as simple as that, stop leading another person into lust because of Godless religious traditions. ~FRZ #FreeTheSheeple,” he wrote.📎 🤔COMMENT BELOW... CRITIC ALSO 🖋️ 📜 🗺️ 😂 ... spill TEA ☕ Easy on Shade 💣 COMMENT BELOW... CRITIC ALSO 🇳🇬 #jaiyeorie 🗺️

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