For President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to Lagos, the trucks that had always been a regular sight on the bridges were no where to be found prior to the President’s arrival.

Once the President left Lagos, the trailers returned back to the bridges to continue their usual disruption of traffic.
The actor however took it upon himself to rant about the situation.

See his post:
We r tired of this in Lagos. How can Bridges be transformed to Trailer Parks?! Will the powers that be deny knowing of this menace?! Of how many lives have been lost already thanks to their negligence and care-free attitude?!
The President came and d trucks disappeared. He leaves and they r back?! So who’s fooling who?! What is Dangote’s role in this as I noticed a whole bunch of the Trucks are his?
Is it that the richest Black man alive cannot afford to build Trailer Parks for his Trucks?! This whole thing is just not making sense!
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