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MGBN 2012 Isabella Ayuk Renovates Home And Opens Business For Widow

Ex-Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria Isabella Agbor Ayuk, helped a widow be driven out of her home with her late husband's children. The winner of MBGN's 2012 beauty comes with the help of a Mrs. Rose Leku Asigbe who must adore, and take care of her six children in one of the most fearful floods of shady places in the Bendeghe-Afi Cross River community State. Ayuk and his Isabella Ayuk Foundation, the IAF team went out at the start of the year in a five-day charity to widow widows and Cameroonian refugees who have lost the crisis in southern Cameroon. During the outreach that began on Thursday, the team faced the face of Asigbe and his innumerable children. Access to the Bendeghe-Afi community where the widow lives is not a path for the IAF team because it is necessary to cross the three communities of 24km of poor access to the road and drive to the canoe in the Bendeghe-Afi river to reach the Asigbe. The widow, originally from Obudu, had no choice but to give her children as help at home and according to her, she did not know their location. Asigbe said he did so for the safety of his remaining three children, still soft in his arms. Ayuk and his team, apart from the fact that they changed the home for the widow, they also continued to open a small business for her. She was happy and thanked the beauty queen for her kind of actions. After meeting with Asigbe, Ayuk and his team also visited over 200 widows in Bendeghe-Ekeim. They provided food materials, clothing and other items and all of them had a great time with the beauty queen as they merried off their loneliness.
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