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Yisrael Beytenu Begins Prison Sentence For Corruption

Former Israeli tourism minister Yisrael Beytenu began his 15-month prison term for breach of trust. Stas Misezhnikov arrived early Sunday morning at Hermon Prison after pleading guilty to a plea agreement. He was also fined 70,000 shekels (just under $ 20,000) under the agreement with prosecutors. Misezhnikov, 48, who served as minister in 2009-2013, was accused of obtaining funding for his student festival in 2012 in the southern port city of Eilat, and then asked the organizers to use his romantic partner. The organizers bowed, paying him tens of thousands of shekels during this period. Ministry funding amounted to about NIS 1 million (US $ 270,000).  During the investigation, the former minister was also accused of sending aid to buy cocaine, which he allegedly consumed at official events in Israel and abroad. In any case, these charges were dropped in the plea agreement.

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