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Medic Warns Women NOT To Urinate Before S*x

Women should not urinate before intercourse to reduce the risk of developing urinary tract infection (UTI).  According to one expert, this advice, commonly heard among women, could even increase the chances of getting one.  New York City urologist David Kaufman explained the idea females need to piss before intercourse is one of the biggest misconceptions he needs to deal with patients in his clinic.  He insists that it is important to urinate after having sex, but it is not recommended to go to the bathroom in advance.  Indeed, he told Yahoo News that this error "is the leading cause of postcoital urinary tract infections, also known as" honeymoon cystitis ".  Why should not you cry before sex?  During intercourse, bacteria in the vagina can be pushed into the urethra.  Waiting to pee, and therefore having enough stored urine to create a strong current, increases the chances of repelling this bacteria.  Dr. Kaufman said maintaining your bladder is enough to produce a strong enough flow to help eliminate bacteria in the urethra. Without urine in your bladder, bacteria can cause an infection.  If you do not go to the bathroom after sex, bacteria can enter the bladder and become an infection.  Unfortunately, women are much more susceptible to urinary tract infections than men because of their anatomy. The female urethra is separated from the vagina and anus only a short distance, making it easy for bacteria from either the vagina or the bottom to reach it.  And it's only two inches long - which means that bacteria do not need to move far to reach the bladder

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