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I was the only one sporting two tribal lines on each cheek. ........ Betty Irabor

From the desk of Betty Irabor;
As a young child I wondered why of all my siblings I was the only one sporting two tribal lines on each cheek..the lines were not very deep or that obvious as mum said but they were obvious enough and were an outright nuisance in my life. I got teased about them. I asked my mum why I had them and she said it was because I was very sickly as a child hence the marking. Hmmm! Those lines almost stole my childhood as they added to the list of things that flared up my insecurity. One day I stood in front of the mirror in my room,in our home in Yaba and momentarily wondered if an eraser could just erase those silly lines after my class teacher asked if I was from Ondo! She was alluding to the lines of course. Those markings were my focal point until I grew older and focused less on them . The minute I focused less on them, the less visible they became. They are still there ( under the make up) but you see, when I stopped focusing on them they just kinda disappeared. That’s just how it is with most things; when we focus on things that shouldn’t matter that much and put them under a magnifying glass to enlarge them, we give them undue acknowledgement; we allow them to direct the course of our lives and hold us in its grip like a vice. The moment we remove our focus from things that diminish us, things that hold us back and focus more on our strengths and things that light up our essence we find a huge release. That release is pretty much like when you take off that suffocating girdle or waist trainer. Phew!!!
The thing abt playing up what we love least abt ourselves is, the more we look, the more we see! And when we focus less on them, the less we see of them. They become mere illusion. And at the end of the day can we just find time to appreciate our very own PECULIAR beauty? We are who we are and often times we can’t change that so can we just embrace who we are? ( by the way this image of me is very edited ) #Africa ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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