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After 13yrs of Marriage, Mary J. Blige Quits From Husband & Manager Martin Isaacs

Mary J. Blige has filed for divorce from her husband Martin Isaacs. According to TMZ,  the 45-year-old cited "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the alleged split, although the documents reportedly fail to list a separation date, calling it "to be determined".

 Mary has asked the judge to "block Isaacs' ability to get spousal support", while the alleged document does not mention a prenup.

 Mary  got married to Kendu Isaacs in December 2003, marriage struggles to Stella magazine and balancing career.

"He always has my back -- he’s going to fight to the death for Mary J Blige. The downside is that there’s no separation -- it’s on all the time. When you don’t feel like answering to your manager, he’s still your husband. If one of you doesn’t want to talk about something right now, you have to respect that. And you have to respect each other’s space."

The wx have no children together.

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