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A house where a woman is unsafe is not a home– Mbong Amata speaks on domestic violence @MbongAmata


Actress Mbong Amata gave her 2 cents on domestic violence following the death of Ronke Shonde who was murdered by her husband Lekan Shonde at their home on Thursday.  Read her post below;

Tales about domestic violence is becoming a bit too much for me to handle.😖 What in God's name is going on?!?! Ladies please open your eyes and use your heads! A RELATIONSHIP OR MARRIAGE shouldn't be an ENDURANCE TREK! We've gotta lose this management mentality💁🏼 Domestic abuse goes beyond physical you know...losing YOUR LIFE! Name calling or putdowns, keeping you from contacting your family or friends, stopping you from getting a job, sexual assault, intimidation are all forms of abuse. "Managing" a relationship or marriage for the sake of your children doesn't provide you a better home, but having an ABUSEFREE home does. #RIP Ronke and Happy Mothers Day to you.💐💐💝💝🙏🏽

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