A stunning Nigerian woman shows disbelief at being contacted repeatedly and receiving a 17-minute voicemail from an unknown person after ₦500 was inadvertently transferred to her bank account.
This information was obtained from a recent video that the woman posted online on a well-known Nigerian platform.
The video shows the Nigerian woman sitting and recounting her discussion with the stranger who sent her the money by mistake.
During their talk, it comes out that the stranger had previously chastised the woman in a 17-minute voicemail, demanding the ₦500 back and pointing out her error.
The guy even tried using other methods of communication and made multiple WhatsApp calls to the woman.
When the woman eventually went back online, she did so with an explanation that she had been offline and had no credit history.
The Nigerian woman, meanwhile, was shocked that someone could send such long letters and level such serious charges for barely ₦500.
Concerned people flocked the comment area on social media as soon as the video went viral to express their opinions.
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