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#KerryWashington reveals that she learned 5 years ago that her father is not her biological father


 #KerryWashington recently revealed that she learned 5 years ago that her father is not her biological father. It was understandably a complete shock to the now 46-year-old, even though she says she always felt like her parents - who she’s super close to - were holding information from her. While preparing to film “Finding Your Roots,”


 Kerry informed her parents she would be on the show. That’s when they approached host Dr. Henry Gates and told them the family secret Kerry did not yet know. He informed them that conversation should be held prior to filming. Kerry said in an interview with @people magazine:“Washington says she kept her calm and asked a lot of questions while trying to give her parents grace in what was clearly a difficult moment for them. She learned that they'd opted to use an anonymous sperm donor to help conceive after struggling with fertility issues. 


They admitted they had all but decided never to tell her."I think that dissonance of like, 'Somebody is not telling me something about my body.' made me feel like there was something in my body I had to fix," she says of struggling for years with anxiety, self-esteem issues, and an eating disorder when she was young. She now feels those might have been symptoms of subconsciously sensing her parents' secret.”Whew. Her memoir drops tomorrow. ✍️“feel free to disagree in the comments 👀 ☝️👆 & let JAIYEORIE know what U think!” 📎

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