Tonto Dikeh, a veteran Nollywood actress, stirs up rumors when she flaunts an unidentified man at her birthday celebration. The 38-year-old single mother celebrated her birthday with a grandiose party. She was surrounded by a large group of friends and coworkers who came to support and cheer her on as she turned a new age. The Caucasian male is seen in close contact to the seasoned actress turned politician, which appears to have fuelled rumors during the gathering. While many people wish her a happy birthday, some astute internet users imply that the Caucasian man is likely her new beau.
One netizen congratulated her on finding a man deserving of her love as many Nigerian men do not appreciate her. The netizen wrote: “Tonto…if he’s your new man kudos Naija men no dey appreciate u, sis…I’m happy for you”.
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