All of us are motivated by the creativity of others to make or replicate our own.Nigerians adore getting their fashion ideas from what they read or watch online.
Most celebrities enjoy copying foreign celebrities' looks and altering them to fit their own tastes.
Many Nigerian celebrities have been caught copying the looks and poses of Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, and Cardi B.
She called Nigerian influencer Papaya out on Twitter for mimicking her style without giving her credit, despite the fact that some people may be flattered by it. Drag queens do not believe imitation is the best form of flattery.
“Then this? This girl is fucking insane! Like how unoriginal are u? Like I wonder how many other people she is stealing looks from”
Drag queen, Sminty B said this about
Nigerian influencer Papaya’s ex (Raheem Abike) on Twitter: “1.2 million
followers, 208k likes, a whole team behind her and not a single person
thought to credit me or my creative team at all.. like girl be so fr”.
“the stylist/creative director has now tagged me in their reel after numerous comments because the creator has their comments limited, which is great.. but the fact this has been up for a while now and if nobody had commented I probably would never have got any credit is wild lol”
Since clothes and poses are usually not copyrighted, imitation is flattery, but giving some credit to your inspiration doesn’t hurt either.