Afolayan, who posted a brief video clip of himself and his daughter on his Instagram page on Wednesday, said the part demanded someone attractive, and his daughter is certainly lovely.
He went on to say that the boy is also a good vocalist and a natural actor.
Eyiyemi is Afolayan's first kid, and she made her acting debut on the set of Anikulapo.
Afolayan said, “If you want to portray the role of a princess, I think there is no giving that the person has to be beautiful and she is beautiful.
“It felt good because I did not have to pay her, even though I was paying her directly or indirectly.”
When asked about her role as Princess Omowunmi in the movie, Eyiyemi
said, “Omowunmi is very foolish because Saro never proposed love to her
but she already started having ideas in her head. She is beautiful no
doubt, but also gullible.”