lapearlnyc captioned;
Things are so hard and I truly appreciate life. As I perfected my bail, I saw 10 young men who were about to go to jail because they could not pay fines ranging from N10K-N15K. Jail stared them in the faces as life became gloomy for them.
I paid for them and the 10 young men were all released.
I paid not because I am rich but because I became overwhelmed with compassion
Friends, we must lift ourselves. Things are hard. We must encourage ourselves. We need ourselves
As Erelu Okin , my mission is to beautiful lives and this is just the beginning.
I have done so much that I don’t even bring on the media but today I preach compassion and mercy
Thank you all for your love. I’m grateful
“feel free to disagree in the comments and let me know what you think!”
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