Don Lemon will be allowed to speak with a high school classmate of his assault accuser, a man who challenges the CNN anchor's whole complaint.
According to court documents obtained by Radar, a federal judge in New York has decided that Lemon can call two more witnesses to testify in the upcoming trial.
During the trial, Lemon intends to invite two persons called Williams Erdman and George Gounelas to testify.
Erdman attended high school with Hice and saw him on Megyn Kelly, where he discussed his allegations. "Wouldn't you know it, I went to high school with Dustin Hice," he tweeted after seeing the interview. He and his friends did exactly what he accuses Don of doing in high school.He and his friends did exactly what he accuses Don Lemon of doing to me in high school! I had to switch high schools my senior year because he and his friends bullied me so terribly. His claims are deceptive."The jury trial will begin in June.
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