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‘Iyanla: Fix My Life’ – Jamille Shares Her Mother-In-Law’s Shocking Comment On Her Wedding Day

#jaiyeorie Jamille Giles and her husband Marc Giles are continuing to do the work to heal their toxic family on the next episode of “Iyanla: Fix My Life.” You may recall, the last time the family was on the show, Granny Dorothy left everyone with their mouths hanging open when she told her granddaughter, Jadyn, she doesn’t like her. For many years Dorothy has held a grudge against Jamille for the way Marc originally introduced Jamille into the family. This in turn has trickled down into an aversion for her granddaughter Jadyn, who defends and resembles her mother. In this exclusive clip, Jamille shares with Iyanla the shocking comment her mother-in-law made on her wedding day that pretty much exposes the root of their issues. Watch below: “feel free to disagree in the comments and let me know what you think!” 📎 COMMENTS 👀 ☝️👆👈👉✍️🤳 DROP YOUR OPINIONS

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