Praiz has launched his record label, CICADA MUSIC. The singer-songwriter who recently dropped his ‘To the Moon’ EP, disclosed the news on his timeline.
‘Hey Guys! I’m glad to present to you my record company CICADA MUSIC . A beginning of a brand new movement focused on quality entertainment.For any enquires concerning new please contact @cicadamusic_ … PLEASE FOLLOW @cicadamusic_ too! God bless you #ToTheMoon #King’ he said.
Vance Lee Watt II, professionally known by his stage name Praiz’, is an American entertainer, record producer and performer.
The musician is a native of Chicago, Illinois, born in Gary, Indiana but later relocated to St. Louis, Missouri after his father died. He is the youngest of four children.
He married in 2003 and has 4 kids.
The key is : Learn how to BE HAPPY BY YOURSELF FIRST.
Because a human being that is happy on his/her own will never settle to be miserable with someone else.
When you find happiness on your own then you will be able to spread it and share it with someone else.
spill TEA ☕
Easy on Shade 💣