Helen Jaffe, a Cuban and Latin American development expert at the University of Glasgow, testified that Cuban interferon alfa-2B is currently being used to combat the effects of COVID-19. She was used in China, she wrote on a blog published by the London School of Economics on March 18.
Jaffe said that Cuba's early entry into the biotechnology industry has enabled the drug to be developed, so that it can leverage international expertise to develop drugs to combat dengue and meningitis.
VCOVID-19 appeared in Wuhan, China in late December 2019, and hit the lake like a tsunami by January 2020, swirling around China and spreading overseas.
The Chinese state has taken action to combat the spread of the infection and take care of the infected. Among the 30 drugs the Chinese National Health Commission chose to fight the virus was a Cuban antiviral drug called interferon alfa-2B.
Cuban Interferon Alfa-2B has proven effective for viruses with characteristics similar to those of COVID-19. Cuban biotech specialist Dr Luis Herrera Martínez explains that “its use prevents aggravation and complications in patients, reaching that stage that can ultimately result in death.”
Cuba first developed and used interferons to arrest a deadly outbreak of the dengue virus in 1981, and that experience catalysed the development of the island’s nowworld-leading biotech industry.
The world’s first biotechnology enterprise, Genetech, was founded in San Francisco in 1976, followed by AMGen in Los Angeles in 1980. One year later, the Biological Front, a professional interdisciplinary forum, was set up to develop the industry in Cuba.
While most developing countries had little access to new technologies (recombinant DNA, human gene therapy, biosafety), Cuban biotechnology expanded and took on an increasingly strategic role in both the public-health sector and the national economic development plan. And this despite the US blockade, which obstructed access to technologies, equipment, materials, finance, and even knowledge exchange. Driven by public-health demand, it has been characterised by its fast track from research and innovation to trials and application, as the story of Cuban interferon shows. 📎 The key is : Learn how to BE HAPPY BY YOURSELF FIRST. Because a human being that is happy on his/her own will never settle to be miserable with someone else. When you find happiness on your own then you will be able to spread it and share it with someone else. #jaiyeorie ... CRITIC ALSO 🖋️ spill TEA ☕ Easy on Shade 💣