But at this very moment, those are some of the most dangerous places to be. Where is the safest place today? Your own home! God is telling you that He is in YOU, not buildings! “Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”-1 Corinthians 3:16.
God May Be Making Something Good Out of Coronavirus.
I am a deep thinker. I don’t think like the average person. So, don’t be offended when I say there is something very good coming out of this worldwide pandemic. When Israel refused to observe the Sabbath and rest the land, God caused the Israelites to be taken captives to Babylon until the land fulfilled 70 years of rest (2 Chronicles 36:21). Man is destroying the Earth. I have been to Iceland. The Glaciers are melting.
The amazon (One of Earth’s largest sources of oxygen) was on fire last year. Extreme weather is becoming more rampant. Perhaps the Coronavirus lockdown of industrialised nations will help Earth heal. Already, Greenhouse gases have reduced. Industrial chemical inflow into rivers and seas have been stemmed. Think about the future tsunami, floods, typhoons, earthquakes, and other extreme weather phenomena that will be prevented by this act of resting and rebooting Earth and the lives saved. People are now spending time with their families instead of at work.
Marriages on the verge of breakdown are now being repaired. More people are praying. Leaders are connecting with the led. All because of Coronavirus! A few years from now, we will say to Satan, “you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”-Genesis 50:20
#FreeLeahSharibu #RenosNuggets
📎 The key is : Learn how to BE HAPPY BY YOURSELF FIRST. Because a human being that is happy on his/her own will never settle to be miserable with someone else. When you find happiness on your own then you will be able to spread it and share it with someone else. #jaiyeorie ... CRITIC ALSO 🖋️ spill TEA ☕ Easy on Shade 💣