Former general evangelist, the Prophet of the Church of the Apostle Christian Samuel Aviara, has been a world leader by convening national prayer sessions, in addition to aggressive medical care to end the COVID 19 pandemic. Urged us to seek divine intervention.
Aviara said the killer virus will fizzle out as strangely as it came, but stressed that all legitimate means should be deployed to combat the pandemic.
A famous priest spoke yesterday at a press conference on the pandemic of the coronavirus at the Church of the Apostle of Christ in Agubara Itura, Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State.
The man of God lamented the poor state of health facilities in the country, saying, “There is need for Federal Government to equip both the big hospitals and the primary health centres.
“This is the time for government to provide sophisticated equipment in our hospitals. If this is done, the rich and the political office holders would not engage in medical tourism as being done today.
The trend is partly responsible for capital flight. But, if our hospitals are well equipped with sophisticated equipment, the people would no longer be attracted to travelling overseas for medical care. As such, in situations such as this, the country would not be badly hit.
“I can say that what is happening currently in the world is a warning sign that Jesus Christ is coming. Let the whole world be prepared. God doesn’t want anybody to perish, so COVID 19 will feezle away the same way it came. It is only prayer that can solve this problem because science cannot explain so many things about it.
Let the presidents of nations of the world proclaim one day and one night prayer and coronavirus would disappear”.
On government’s directives that social distance should be maintained to curb the spread of the virus, he said, “We shall obey the rules and maintain social distance.
The coming service may not be different from the way we use to observe it in the past but we shall definitely review things by avoiding handshakes during service.”
📎 The key is : Learn how to BE HAPPY BY YOURSELF FIRST. Because a human being that is happy on his/her own will never settle to be miserable with someone else. When you find happiness on your own then you will be able to spread it and share it with someone else. #jaiyeorie ... CRITIC ALSO 🖋️ spill TEA ☕ Easy on Shade 💣