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Pope Francis smack woman's hand to free himself from her grip

Roommates, Pope Francis is a man of the people, but when one woman got a little too touchy, the pope had to show her what his hands can do!
According to CNN, Pope Francis has issued an apology, after he slapped a woman’s hand to free himself from her grip. In the video, you can see the pope shake the woman’s hand, but sis was not trying to let go at all, so he hits her with a little pop on the hand.
“Women are sources of life. Yet They are continually insulted, beaten, raped, forced to prostitute themselves and to suppress the life they bear in the womb,” he said. “Every form of violence inflicted upon a woman is a blasphemy against God, who was born of a woman.”
Before presenting his New Year’s Day address to his congregation, the Pope said he was sorry for smacking the woman’s hand.

See the video below.
“I apologize for the poor example yesterday,” he said.
The pope was making his say to the Nativity scene in Vatican City, and when he began to walk away from the crowd that had gathered, a woman grabbed his hand and yanked him toward her.
In the video, Pope Francis can be seen getting visibly upset, and he slaps the woman hand in an attempt to release her grip. It also looks like the pope begins to shout at the woman.
During his speech in New Year’s day, the Pontiff also spoke about gender equality, telling everyone that women “should be fully included in decision-making processes.”
“Every step forward for women, is a step forward for humanity as a whole.”

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