Before his demise, Yekini was reported to have been ill for an extended period of time after supposedly experiencing bipolar issue, depression and some other undisclosed mental condition.
In any case, Odegbami in an interview with The Chat couldn’t help contradicting the cases, saying: “nobody could explain the circumstances of his death”.
“His people actually went and abducted him from his car and took him to a native doctor of some sort to cure him of his ‘insanity’, he explained.

“You’ll see me walk with a limp these days… that’s what happens to the rest of us,” the 67-year-old former footballer said.
“Probably we would have demanded (not for any payment of some sort) but to have created a system or an institution that will take care of us in old age which is something we have found out now”, he added. Gossip - Who Which What Where When How #jaiyeorie 📎 ... CRITIC ALSO 🖋️ spill TEA ☕ Easy on Shade 💣 🖋️ 📜 COMMENT BELOW