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Wendy Wiliams celebrates her 55th birthday at Tiffany & co (photos)


Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
 Wendy Williams turned 55 on July 18 so she decided to take herself out to Tiffany & co and even got a gift. She also bought herself new designer shoes and clothes.

See photos below.

Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)
Wendy Wiliams pampers herself as she celebrates her 55th birthday (photos)

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