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Toyin Lawani lists the qualities she wants in a man and reveals why she might go back to Lord Triggs

Toyin Lawani took to Instagram to list the qualities she wants in a man, then ended up revealing why she might go back to her ex, Lord Triggs.
She shared a photo of herself and wrote:
Posted this yesterday and said I was officially single , Now my Dm is flooded
Jesus oooo??‍?? help me , ok pls let me drop the Rules here, see I work so hard daily for my money , Running many Businesses daily ain’t easy , To even have time to date is a distraction, I don’t need someone that will come and take my hard earned money, so please if you don’t have money I won’t make time for you and you have to Be fine as hell like Baba tenor you have to choose a struggle , you can’t be broke and ugly at the same time.
When a follower replied, suggesting that the mother-of-two goes back to her ex, Toyin replied saying she wants to “do shakara” a bit but she might end up going back to him because it’s hard to find someone like him now that she has “money” and she’s “fine”.
In a follow-up post, she shared a photo of Lord Triggs, who is the father of her son Tenor, and wrote: “Found this Handsome Guy with money in my Dm , he wants to make Another Baby with me , pls Whos in support ? His name is BaBa Tenor @triggagaddafi ???‍????‍????‍????‍????‍????‍????‍?? need A Baby girl that looks like @lordmaine2”

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