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Kylie Jenner unfollows and cuts off Jordyn Woods after James Harden dance drama

Kylie Jenner has finally cut  Jordyn Woods adrift after she unfollowed her on Instagram .

The 21-year-old Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has reportedly had enough of Jordyn's repeated antics with exes of Khloe Kardashian .

 5 months after Kylie's friendship with Jordyn fell apart following a 'cheat scandal' that blew up after the Kardashian's friend allegedly kissed Khloe's boyfriend Tristan Thompson.

Now a clip has emerged of Jordyn dancing with another of Khloe's former lovers, in which NBA star James Harden is seen partying with Woods.

This seems to be the final straw for Kylie and as proof that blood runs thicker than water, has finally cut Jordyn off like a bad habit

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