Beyoncé and Jay-Z's 7-year-old daughter gave her grandmother, Tina Knowles Lawson, a small chuckle on Sunday by telling her a “corny” joke. Queen B’s mom shared a video of the little lady’s comedic routine on Instagram. Tina captioned Corny joke time with A special guest!!
“Hi! It’s corny joke time, and I’m here with a very special guest—my beautiful granddaughter,” Tina said. “She actually gave me the joke. So, here it goes.”
While Blue Ivy remained hidden behind the camera, fans caught a glimpse of the young star as she gave a small wave.
“Hey! So, how many petals—I mean, how many lips does a flower have?” The Carters’ firstborn asked the audience.
“Well, how many?” Tina replied.
“Two lips,” Blue Ivy replied. “You get it? There’s a kind of flower that’s called a tulip.”
“I got it. I got it,” the proud grandmother told her, letting out a little laugh.
Watch the video to see the funny act.
While this wasn’t the first time Tina had shared a “corny joke time” video on Instagram, Blue Ivy certainly made this one extra special.
“Hi! It’s corny joke time, and I’m here with a very special guest—my beautiful granddaughter,” Tina said. “She actually gave me the joke. So, here it goes.”
While Blue Ivy remained hidden behind the camera, fans caught a glimpse of the young star as she gave a small wave.
“Hey! So, how many petals—I mean, how many lips does a flower have?” The Carters’ firstborn asked the audience.
“Well, how many?” Tina replied.
“Two lips,” Blue Ivy replied. “You get it? There’s a kind of flower that’s called a tulip.”
“I got it. I got it,” the proud grandmother told her, letting out a little laugh.
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