Tokyo Toni, the mother of Blac Chyna, has again taken to social media to drag her. Just days after Tokyo, called out to Chyna’s bff Amber Rose to help her beg Chyna to allow her to see her grandkids, Tokyo, is out her again dragging Chyna. In a video shared on social media, Tokyo, 46, slammed Chyna calling her a mistake and a ‘statutory rape baby.’
In another video she said: “AKA Blac Chyna, the name I gave you was Angela Renee. The disrespect that you have been giving me for the past, quite a few years, I’ve tolerated. Because I’m your momma, you’re the only child, but you better keep in your mind I’m a bad b**ch. That’s why every chance you mother f***ing get b**ch, you breathe my whole mother f***ing name.” Watch video below;
In another video she said: “AKA Blac Chyna, the name I gave you was Angela Renee. The disrespect that you have been giving me for the past, quite a few years, I’ve tolerated. Because I’m your momma, you’re the only child, but you better keep in your mind I’m a bad b**ch. That’s why every chance you mother f***ing get b**ch, you breathe my whole mother f***ing name.” Watch video below;