The story of Anaya Ellick, a 9-year-old girl born without hands, shows that there is indeed a capacity in each disability. It just takes the right frame of mind to see and do it. Anaya does not use prosthetic hands but has received a prestigious award for her skillful writing. In third year, in the Chesapeake region of Virginia, she won the Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest of 2018, in the Nicholas Maxim category, an award for exceptional manuscript and curriculum skills among students .
In 2016, Anaya won the award for her print writing.
Growing up, her mother helped her form letters, but she soon learnt how to hold a pencil between her two arms to write and draw.
Although quiet and shy, Anaya always tried out things and believed she could do it and now, she is a role model to everyone.
“She’s really independent – from tying shoes, putting clothes, getting baths. It was always like ‘I can do it’. So, that just carried on over the years,” her father told News 3
The next thing Anaya is looking to tackle now is sports.
We hope you are inspired.
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