![‘For I never saw true beauty ‘til this night.’ — William Shakespeare 🌆
#LA #CityLights 📸 (tap4credit)](https://scontent-lhr3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/2aa97d1c71e58d86f8e0d85688ea2c27/5B9FB577/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/c0.133.1080.1080/23279912_157318511543693_8532314423153393664_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=AeEoZ8U8t2ZYzHq12PIn7ntCE3Xg29v85l2wLjePuTRrK91clCeNEPfMUwK1rTHFPewB27bpbkTp9YThbF_6Ymcgb6gcdYKJGeZKoMEXIvh4rQ)
!["P L A Y" 📀. One of the first songs I wrote & placed at 19.. for THE iconic @JLO's #JLO album.. that's my #mondaymotivation✨ #iloveher
fun fact: I wrote it on the morning of my birthday in Sweden in my 🛌. s/o 🎶 producer: Anders Bagge](https://scontent-lhr3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/2cb3a298db8d2346566851457e416071/5B0FB12E/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/c140.0.360.360/23279728_1386261381496149_1553342113066778624_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=AeErQzvuj_K6Yab8yjdOKuoyV17UsKFXcbt87ETkTFmIK-nKoD3d6BpTE5KeyY0Vexk06clgSojXbqlnH5x6SrBateIb4DC6vyzfVGozZYJWhA)
Christina Milian captioned ;
"P L A Y" 📀. One of the first songs I wrote & placed at 19.. for THE iconic @JLO's #JLO album.. that's my #mondaymotivation✨ #iloveher
fun fact: I wrote it on the morning of my birthday in Sweden in my 🛌. s/o 🎶 producer: Anders Bagge
fun fact: I wrote it on the morning of my birthday in Sweden in my 🛌. s/o 🎶 producer: Anders Bagge