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‘Erratic’ Kanye Got Rid of Scooter Braun & His Entire Management Team

kanye west scooter braun

Those inside Kanye's inner circle were reportedly worried about her "wrong" behavior after the rapper gave her entire team an ultimatum.

Yeezy reported that a meeting and asked his entire staff, with his lawyers and even his supervisor Scooter Braun, either to work for him full-time or get stepping. So they chose to walk.
“Scooter has a million irons in the fire and working for Kanye full-time is out of the question.”
During the meeting, he reportedly stated he would move forward with handling all of his business “in-house,” meaning by him only. He then wrapped things up by saying he wanted to be bigger than Apple, and “Yeezy is the new Apple.”

Meanwhile, his wife is posing nekkid and showing her va-jay-jay for free again.

Räägi sõbrale... #AFRICA ... spill TEA ABOUT THE TOPIC ABOVE.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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