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Aisha Buhari Condemns foreign medical treatment despite son and husband recieving such in the past

           Nigeria's first lady, Aisha Buhari, has condemned the practice of spending the nation's resources abroad through medical tourism.    She said she does not believe that Nigerians travel abroad to receive treatment because "we have everything we need" for world-class medical services. Aisha Buhari said this Wednesday when she inaugurated the Cedarcrest Hospital - where her son Yusuf was once treated - in Abuja. Aisha said her son "nearly lost his life" but the hospital saved him.

“I believe in making Nigeria a better place to be,” she said, adding: “I don’t believe in spending our resources abroad. We have all it takes to have a hospital like this, from manpower to personnel.”
“Even after he was flown abroad for further medical attention, they (hospitals and surgeons abroad) did not do anything for him,” she added.

“They asked where the accident happened, where the surgery took place, I said Nigeria, they said excellent.”
In 2017, her husband spent a total of 152 days in a London hospital treating and suffering from undisclosed diseases. He traveled on two different occasions.  Similarly, Yusu was treated abroad after being injured in a bicycle accident in Abuja. He was first treated at Cedarcrest Hospital, but was later transported abroad for treatment. Aisha, who announced his return after the medical trip, did not reveal the country where he was treated. The first lady has been making controversial comments lately, forcing commentators to conclude that she wants her to be searched by her husband.
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