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A mallam was caught and stripped naked for reportedly stealing meat from a butcher's shed in Enugu, recently.

Mallam caught stealing large chunks of meat

According to Facebook user, Egwuatu Chukz, a Hausa man was caught stealing meat from a butcher's shed in Ogbete market, Enugu state.
The Hausa man was said to have met his waterloo, carrying a sack and began to stuff large pieces of meat here, completely ignoring the fact that there were other people around.  According to the writers, they gathered and prayed for the 'mysterious' loss of meat from their shed, a week before she was caught in action. He also accused the use of charms to commit his crime.

 Read what transpired according to Chukz, below:


On 12th of April 2018 in the above named market in Enugu, Biafra land, a notorious Hausa/Fulani man was caught after stealing meat weighing over 22 pounds, at the market abattoir located at Akwata side.

Information reaching the family writers, states that this Hausa/Fulani man has been perpetrating this act for a long time, only that he used to be invisible when performing the evil operations, but as God may have it, one of the largest quantities of meat got missing, before he was caught today. The butchers in the area opened up to find out what has been behind the usual missing of meat, therefore the whole meat sellers teamed up together for fasting and prayer which lasted for five days.

However, after their prayer some of the meat sellers (butchers) were convinced that the regular missing of their meat wasn't an ordinary or physical issue to tackle, so they all teamed up to be vigilant both in the realm of physical and spiritual.

In the morning of Saturday 12th of April 2018, at about 8:30am, about the time the butchers display meats for sale, a young man holding a sack walked in majestically towards the place where some of the meats were packed, and began to pack meat without anybody's consent and after loading the huge amount of meat inside the sack he came with, he raised it on his head and started walking away with the meat. After moving about 12 feet ahead, one of the meat sellers called him back, and tried to interrogate him. The Hausa/Fulani man refused to answer and this drew the attention of the audience.

After several attempts to stop the man, the crowd succeeded in stopping him and asked him how he managed to have access to the meat and he couldn't give any reasonable answer to the questions. Few minutes after he was caught, his clothes were collected from him and the crowd saw some african charms which he tied onto his arm and leg. The charms were  forcefully removed from his body to stop him from disappearing.

He confessed that he has been doing this for quite some time and during all his operations, he uses the charms to transform himself into an invisible being and that's how he makes his own money and business by roasting the stolen meat for sale which is popular called "Suya meat" in Nigeria."

Na wa oo!Räägi sõbrale... #AFRICA ... spill TEA ABOUT THE TOPIC ABOVE.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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