Hillary Clinton was announced as the person to deliver the Arther Miller Freedom to Write Lecture at the PEN World Voices Festival, and after the lecture, Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie will interview the American politician. ...
According to the official website of the festival, Hillary Clinton will use her time as a leading diplomat and career in politics to emphasize the centrality of freedom of expression - widely defined and vehemently defended - in maintaining healthy democracies and vibrant societies. After the lecture, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie will engage Clinton in a conversation. ...
World Voices says “This dialogue between two strong advocates for women and girls—one from politics and diplomacy, the other from world literature—promises unique insights into how we might imagine a better future for women and girls around the world. Named for playwright Arthur Miller, a fierce advocate for free expression and longtime leader of PEN, the annual lecture is a hallmark of the Festival.”
The event is set to hold in April in New York.
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