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Tristan Thompson's father shades his son, says he is a dead father and chooses Khloe K's child over his other son

Tristan Thompson

Tristan Thompson's father is unhappy with him and took social media to call him a "deadbeat father" to his first son while giving Khloe Kardashian and their unborn child all the attention.   The 26-year-old Canadian basketball player is Prince Thompson's one-year-old father, but even before the boy's birth, his father was already dating Khloe Kardashian and would pay more attention to him than he could. give it to his son. His father has now weighed on the situation.   Elder Thompson commented yesterday on social media, saying his son was still a boy and he is "85 million stupid dollars". "Khloe has a boy and a baby to raise ... lol," Thompson wrote, insinuating that Tristan is still immature. He added that Tristan acts as if he has no father and only listens to him and his mother.   Elder Thompson has never hidden his feelings about his son's behavior towards his baby mom and child. Thompson has already commented on a former social media post left by Tristan's ex-Jordy Craig. Jody posted a photo 16 months ago while she was still pregnant with her son
She captioned it: "Although watching and feeling you grow every day has made my pregnancy such an unforgettable, magical experience … words cannot express how anxious and excited I am to finally meet you![…] Mommy loves you so much. Muah-Muah-Muah!!!!"
Tristan’s father then commented: "Best wishes to you and the new little one coming in to the world,” wrote Tristan’s dad. “May God bless your pragentsy [sic] all the way I hope this will open my son’s eyes."

Räägi sõbrale... #AFRICA ... spill TEA ABOUT THE TOPIC ABOVE.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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