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I Can Cry For Food - Ime Bishop Umoh

 Ime Bishop Umoh in a chat with Saturday Beats said he is a big time foodie. Bishop said that he loves food in a sin and he is grateful that  nobody can deprive him food, because his mother thought of how to cook. He said he was lacking in food, he weeps.

“I do chores; the once that interest me. I love food a lot. There is no food I cannot eat and once I crave a certain food, I cook it. I don’t place myself in a situation where someone would hold me to ransom by denying me food. You can do that with anything but if you try it with food, I can cry. I love food immeasurably. I thank God that I can cook anything. My mother taught me how to cook,” he said.

He told Saturday Beats that people often believed that he would be as dumb as the Okon character he plays in movies but that they are usually surprised to find out that he is a smart person. He said that despite the misconception, he has no point to prove to anyone that he is smart.

Citing an example he said, “There was a time when I was in the middle of a discussion with some people and I noticed a woman staring at me with her mouth wide open. She did not close her mouth or stop staring at me till I left the place and I knew it was because of the way I was handling the discourse intelligently.”

He further stated, “I don’t believe anyone is born dumb and for me, what you see on the television is different from reality. Like I always tell people, I have dual personality; I have the domestic and commercial life. What you see on the television is the commercial aspect of me, but when you see me physically, that is my domestic side.

“You cannot deal with the commercial aspect of me for a whole day without being frustrated because Okon cannot take a single instruction without causing headache. It is an unrealistic comedy, it is called exaggerative humour. I give my artistic dexterity to the public, they love it and I laugh all the way to the bank.

“I have a good sense of humour but it is not exaggerative. I don’t wear bathroom slippers and sagging trousers around my house; neither do I climb the fence instead of using the gate or shout at any little thing that frightens me when my wife is around. It cannot happen because I am the husband and the man of the house. I play with our children. I am a loving husband.”Räägi sõbrale... #AFRICA ... spill TEA ABOUT THE TOPIC ABOVE.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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