Adeboye reeled out his 2018 prophecies for individuals, Nigeria, and the world at the church’s Cross-Over Service held at its Redemption Camp and watched in over 198 countries, where the church has branches.
“I have to put it carefully so I am not misunderstood” he said as he prophesied that, “Many people will wake up to realise that their future is not in the hand of any government and as a result a lot of lost ground will be reclaimed.”
Continuing the prophecies for individuals, he said “Erstwhile stubborn mountains will move; while saboteurs who pretend to be friends will be disgraced and displaced.
The international prophecies are as follows:
· This year there will be less fire outbreaks but there will be more floods.
· There will be misunderstandings amongst nation but no major wars.
· There is need for prayers against assassination attempts globally.
· There will be record breaking temperatures both high and low.
· There will be a handful of breakthroughs, both scientific and medical.
· Global warming, sexual perversion and others signal the countdown to the end. #Africa ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie