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Corrine Brown steals charity money from impoverished kids; sentenced to five years in prison

Former congresswoman Corrine Brown steals charity money from impoverished kids; sentenced to five years in prison
Former Congresswoman, Corrine Brown was sentenced to serve 5 years in prison for using charity donations meant for underprivileged students for self.
Brown was convicted months ago by a jury but on Dec 4th a federal judge sentenced her. Brown faced several allegations including fraud, lying on tax forms as well Congressional disclosures; which ended with Brown losing her seat. Amid the scandal, she also lost the primary election last year.
According to the Associated Press, officials accused Brown of using $800,000 of impoverished children’s charity money for her own. She stole money from a bogus charity, One Door For Education, which purported to give scholarships to poor children but instead filled the coffers of Brown and her associates. 

Federal prosecutors said Brown and a top aide committed fraud by using donations for lavish parties and trips. The aide and another official later accepted a plea deal and testified against Brown. But Brown testified that she was left in the dark about the goings-on with One Door's money, and blamed the theft on her former chief of staff, Elias "Ronnie" Simmons, who testified against her
Brown started her political career in the 1980s as a legislature and joined the House of Representatives in 1993. Brown served 25 years before she was convicted in May on 18 of 22 charges.#Africa ... spill TEA.... Easy on Shade #jaiyeorie

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