According to an exclusive report by Daily Mail, Rihanna and Hassan Jameel were seen enjoying a romantic evening at the late evening at Park Chinois, a Chinese restaurant in Mayfair, in the early morning hours of Friday morning. This is the first time that the couple will be publicly visible in the weeks. They decided to leave the restaurant separately with Rihanna, go out behind the back door about two in the morning and Jameel a few minutes later ...
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available for a good time
... spill TEA....
Easy on Shade
According to an exclusive report by Daily Mail, Rihanna and Hassan Jameel were seen enjoying a romantic evening at the late evening at Park Chinois, a Chinese restaurant in Mayfair, in the early morning hours of Friday morning. This is the first time that the couple will be publicly visible in the weeks. They decided to leave the restaurant separately with Rihanna, go out behind the back door about two in the morning and Jameel a few minutes later ...