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2 High School Football Players Kicked Off Team For Kneeling During Anthem


They tried to follow the steps of protesting professional football players, two high school students were kicked out by a football team to protest during the anthem. Larry McCullough knelt as the ant played, while his cousin Cedric Ingram-Lewis raised his fist. Immediately after the end of the anthem, students said their coach Ronnie Mitche told them to remove their uniforms because they were eliminated from the team, according to Houston Chronicle. "He told us that the dishonor would not be tolerated," said Ingram-Lewis, "told us to take our uniform and leave it there." Mitchell, a coach, said the boys did not leave him any other choice. He said he told the students beforehand that when they were right to protest, they were not allowed to do it - he was kneeling during the hymn. Mitchell, a former sailor, said he believed he was kneeling, insulting people and veterans who fought for the United States. He said: That was my opinion. As I said, I was a former Marine. They just do not fly, and they knew it. I have no problem with these young men. We have a good relationship. They decided to do it and had to pay the consequences.

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